Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Take the time...

Many people  these days are in such a rush, running around...I guess that's why they call us ' the human race'.
We all get caught up in everyday stress and rushing and wanting to get things done fast all of the time, all of us, it happens.

I cannot see sometimes what the big rush is all about? I am guilty for being this way sometimes, we all are in our own small ways. I think a lot of people need to start seeing life through different eyes sometimes, when things get a little too much ad stress about tiny things that really, compared to other things going on...are just small problems. I often wonder as we get older why we feel like life feels like its going so quickly, the days, the weeks, the months etc...It has to be because as we get older we get busier, more things on our minds and more things to do, have to see, have to get done by a certain time. It all takes over LIFE, yes a career and working hard to move towards your dreams and falling in love etc is exciting and important to earn money and to live a happy comfortable life, But we should take the time...most things are beyond our control.

Take the time to breathe in fresh air. Take the time to think about what your true passion is. Take the time to indulge in the things you love most. Take the time to thank people and give them a smile. Take the time to feel the sand between your toes. Take the time to be grateful for what you have and what will soon come to you. Take the time to listen to nature and take a stroll. Just take the time to smell the roses :)

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