Thursday, 22 August 2013

Fruit for the inside & the outside...

We hear it all the time " eat 2 fruit 5 veg a day". Well this is not the only ay we can include fruit and veg into our diet, we can use fruit and veg for many reasons and health benefits inside and out!

For example:

Strawberries are a great sweet snack through the day, they are good for us women as they are high in iron, they can be used for beauty home remedies! for example whitening your teeth & making a face mask from them, this is especially good for people with acne as strawberries contain a small amount of acid which helps rid acne!

Blueberries are a super food and great for anti aging. These are great to add to a shake, smoothie, oatmeal or yogurt ( about half a cup of blueberries) for a extra health kick! They help the digestive system to!

Oranges are very rich in vitamin C, they help prevent cancers and heart disease. They are very alkalizing for the body and help the digestive system to work smoothly. A beauty tip with oranges is that you can squeeze the juice into ice trays, freeze them over night and then rub over face! it helps calm acne and soothe the skin with a glow!

Pomegranates are great for the skin especially for anti aging and hydration and cell repair! blend up some pomegranate for a face mask while relaxing in the bath!
They are also good for sun damage protection. This magical food can help lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks and strokes!

Well they were just a few of my favorites and tips! Enjoy :)

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