Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Health Scares

We all know that to eat right and exercise keeps you healthy right? Well I guess we all have our days or weeks or months where we get a little bit lazy with it all and just think to ourselves " oh well we only live once so I will eat what I want".I guess we do not realize that's the attitude that will shorten our lives in a lot of cases, I mean if you only live once then don't you want to live it to the fullest and be the healthiest and happiest you can 90% of the time? I have had this attitude sometimes as well, and we just have those days where we just cannot be bothered to get up and be motivated and healthy...Its understandable.

Last night what alarmed me was watching a TV that showed different people with illnesses and things growing in their body that they didn't even know were there and life threatening. Some of these cases can be caused by genetics and other factors, But we really do need to take care of our body.

This is just my opinion about living healthy, its common sense really. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, drink plenty of water, exercise more days in the week than not, and take very good care of your digestive system!

I am going to make a healthy lunch now :)

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